KDA Bourbon Trail PAC

The spirit of collaboration in Kentucky’s signature Bourbon and distilled spirits industry is legendary and powerful.


For almost 150 years, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association and its members have worked tirelessly to build Kentucky Bourbon into one of the Commonwealth’s most historic and treasured industries.

Today, Kentucky Bourbon is a booming $9 billion economic engine that generates more than 23,100 stable, good-paying jobs with a payroll topping $1.63 billion ($2.2 billion including benefits); and is investing $3.5 billion in capital projects.


One of the reasons for our recent success is the partnership with local and state elected officials who understand that Bourbon is more than just a drink – it’s jobs, tourism, investment and a unique part of our culture.

In order to keep this momentum rolling, we need to keep advocates in public office who are committed to our homegrown industry and will work to secure the Commonwealth’s rightful title as the one, true and authentic home for America’s only native spirit.

As we all know, stakes are high with every alcohol vote or policy decision. The reality is that alcohol is a highly regulated industry, with its origins in prohibition-era laws that are not always reflective of modern business and marketing standards. Therefore, one of the KDA’s primary missions is to maintain a competitive regulatory environment for our distilleries to operate. In this landscape, elected officials and policymakers are under extreme pressure from dry forces and adversarial special interests. Providing outspoken ambassadors with financial assistance ensures Bourbon’s voice will be heard.

That’s the mission of the KDA’s Bourbon Trail PAC – a bipartisan effort that supports Bourbon-friendly candidates, political parties and caucuses on both sides of the aisle. Because Bourbon brings people together, no matter of their political affiliation.

The KDA and its members appreciate your support. Please donate today and help protect and promote out Commonwealth’s signature industry.