About KDA Bourbon Trail PAC


The spirit of collaboration in Kentucky’s signature Bourbon and distilled spirits industry is legendary and powerful.

By working together, a tight-knit group of distilleries and partners have built Kentucky Bourbon into one of the Commonwealth’s most historic and treasured industries, a booming $9 billion economic engine that generates jobs, tax revenue and tremendous investment.

In order to build upon this tremendous success, we need to keep friends in public office who support the industry and its issues.

That’s the mission of KDA Bourbon Trail PAC – a bipartisan, independent group that supports Bourbon-friendly candidates, political parties and caucuses on both sides of the aisle. Because Bourbon brings people together, no matter of their politics.


KDA Bourbon Trail PAC only supports incumbents and candidates with a proven track record of advocacy for this homegrown industry and its timeless craft. As we all know, stakes are high with every alcohol vote. Elected officials are under extreme pressure from dry forces and adversarial special interests.

Providing outspoken ambassadors with financial assistance ensures Bourbon’s voice will be heard.


This is a crucial time for Kentucky’s Bourbon and distilled spirits industry. Other states are updating their alcohol laws, cutting taxes and eliminating bureaucratic red tape to attract distilleries and jobs away from Kentucky.

Kentucky must modernize its archaic alcohol laws in order to leverage the Bourbon boom and strengthen the Commonwealth’s rightful place as the one, true and authentic home for America’s only native spirit.

A strong and aggressive KDA Bourbon Trail PAC demonstrates that the industry and its partners are committed to Kentucky and support elected officials who believe in Bourbon, its future and its unique culture.


KDA Bourbon Trail PAC can accept personal contributions from U.S. Citizens.  Corporate contributions are prohibited.  Each individual can contribute up to $2,100 in a calendar year.  There is no minimum or recommended contribution level.


KDA Bourbon Trail PAC
P.O. Box 221603
Louisville, KY 40252

Please include a completed contribution card with your check.



Contributions or gifts to KDA Bourbon Trail PAC are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes.  Contributions will be used in connection with federal elections and are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act.  Federal law prohibits corporations, and foreign nationals without permanent resident status, from contributing to the PAC.  Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $2100 in a calendar year.